Pongal 2014 will undoubtedly the biggest day in Kollywood's recent history, Superstar, Ilayathalapathy and Thala are all set to grace the audience with their respective movies. Superstar's Kochadaiyaan has already been confirmed as a 10th January release by a press release issued by Murali Manohar, the co-producer of EROSEntertainment and around 744 screens around Tamil Nadu have already been allotted to Kochadaiyaan.
Now the breaking news is that Ilayathalapathy's Jilla is also confirmed for 10th of January, Actor Jithan Ramesh the son of RB Chaudhary who are the producers of Jilla has just made this tweet
#Jilla : teaser ll b released on d day of audio release and mostly it ll b 2nd week of dec....v r planning to release d movie on jan 10 th..
— Actor Jithan Ramesh (@JithanRamesh) November 15, 2013
Now that both Superstar and Ilayathalapathy have confirmed their presence on January 10th, it's all left for Thala and his Veeram to complete the Biggest Box Office Battle of the Century. Following Arrambam's massive success Thala's Veeram is also redhot in the industry but it's is yet to open for trade but sources confirm the makers of Veeram are also very clear with their stand of releasing their movie for Pongal. Looks like it's upto Theatre owners to decide which movie they want...
So fans its official Superstar, Thala and Thalapathy are all set for the biggest box office battle ever. Thala's Veeram makers have just released a new poster confirming the movie for a Pongal Release.
The Press note along with Poster revealed that the shooting will be completed in the next few days and the movie will be released for Pongal. Ajith has played a very lively character
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